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Cross-Platform Content Strategy Creation, CMSs, GPT4, Bard, DALL-E, Midjourney, Google Analytics + Drive, Sheets, Docs, Slides, etc. SEO tools like SEMrush, kwFinder, Keywords Everywhere, Moz, Salesforce, Marketo, WordPress, MIRO, Canva, Figma, Notion, Apollo, HubSpot, Adobe Creative Suite, Office 365, Prompt Engineering
I am a Full-Stack Content Generator. I look at every problem from multiple angles and through different lenses. I have a background in animation and graphic arts, 10 years experience and skill building in Marketing and Graphic Design, and for the past year I've become best friends with ChatGPT that I'm currently cheating on with Gemini. :)
Needless to say, I have the heat of a storyteller and I'm simply mad about LLMs and all things AI. Super excited and thankful to be living in these supercharged times.
Needless to say, I have the heat of a storyteller and I'm simply mad about LLMs and all things AI. Super excited and thankful to be living in these supercharged times.